23 May

QuickBooks POS is an efficient accounting tool that is used to manage accounting activities like Inventory management & gives reliable benefits to the user. QB POS as you have seen in many retail outlets, it is widely used. Other places such as groceries & malls, POS is used. The software is built according to the customer preference. The software enables quicker payments by accepting all modes of payment including debit, credit or others. 

QuickBooks POS undeniably an exclusive product that has given a lot to the users. Dealing with QuickBooks POS is not as easy. Issues & errors often arrive in the software. But if you come across such issues, resolve it by calling our QB experts at 1-855-662-2O4O. In this post we are going to discuss about one such error ie. QuickBooks POS Error 100. Let’s move forward to know more about this.

What is QuickBooks POS error 100 & why does it occur?

QuickBooks POS error 100 arrives with a message display Error 100 database server not found 08w01. If you are getting this message, the reasons responsible for the error 100 are:-

  • System resources are not adequate.

  • POS database manager is not in suitable condition.

Efficient ways to fix QuickBooks error 100

Follow the given below instructions carefully in order to overcome the QuickBooks POS Error Code 100. The steps are:-

  • Restart your computer.

  • Now, Open QuickBooks Point Of Sale.

  • If the error still arrives on the screen, perform the given below steps.

  • Press WINDOW+R together from your keyboard.

  • Now Input msc in the text-space field.

  • Press Enter.

  • Expand the QuickBooksPOS Database Manager vXX.

  • vXX implies the version of the QB POS.

  • Now, restart the system to update the changes.

Still getting the same error again, get consultancy from our QB experts by dialling us at 1-855-662-2O4O.

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